Candida Skin Infections & Cutaneous Candida - Natural Candida Cleansing

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Candida Skin Infections & Cutaneous Candida

In healthy individuals candida albicans and candida tropicalis rarely cause candida skin infections on smooth surfaces. The most prolific types of candida to infect the smooth skin surfaces are candida guilliermondii and candida parapsilosis. Candida albicans is the most common species of candida that causes cutaneous candida infections, or skin infections in areas of the skin that have folds or at times rest against one another, for instance, the areas between the toes or fingers.

Many times the candida skin infections inbetween the toes is confused with simple cases of athletes feet, which itself is a fungal infection. In between the fingers can sometimes be diagnosed as ezcema and sometimes both infections respond to topical steroids.

These candida skin infections are usually first diagnosed as contact dermatitis, tinea corporis, drug reactions, or heat rashes before other avenues of diagnosis are pursued. Many times yeasts are a secondary infection to these infections. Direct microscopy will reveal budding yeasts and hyphae in scrappings and biopsies confirming that candida is present.

Risk factors for candida skin infections and cutaneous candida include repeated exposure to moisture in the area. People that wear cotton socks and sweat heavily, have their hands wet all the time, and sweat heavy in the groin area are all at increased risk. The increased and prolonged use of topical corticosteroids also increases the risk.

Experiments have been run with other species of candida to determine their propensity to cause candida skin infections. But candida albicans was found to have the highest rate of pathogenicity for the skin in the highly susceptible areas where moisture is present.

The candida infection of the skin usually attaches itself by extending its hyphae into the skin cells. The typical host response is an activation of the t-lymphocytes to defend the invasion. In severe cases this response is deficient and the skin undergoes a thickening process were the skin cells enter a condition called hyperkeratosis. These skin cells then turn into phagocytes that begin to engulf the candida cells. This action is greatly enhanced by ultraviolet light so getting some sun on the infected areas is a very good idea.

Cure rates with the antifungal creams run about 50% at the present time and taking ketoconazole by mouth has a very good success rate when applied with creams containing Terbinafine. Good success has also been achieved with Terrasil.

Coconut oil is one of the most effective natural products for candida skin infections if it is allowed to soak into the candida cells. There it explodes the nucleus effectively killing it. However, some species of tinea actually eat fat so coconut oil will not work if this is the source of infection. Oregano Oil, Candidate and Grapefruit seed extract have also been used with success when diluted with coconut oil. or if you can stand the heat you can use them straight.

Diaper Rash

Rashes on the buttocks and perianal area of babies are very common and have multiple causes other than candida. Candida has been identified in about 40% of these cases and the candida is usually always present in the stool of the child.

This type of candida skin infection is commonly associated with escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus bacteria also from the colon. The condition generally responds well to topical antifungals and detergent baths and baby soaps help as well. Coconut oil can be used, and I suggest a good probiotic like these and colostrum be taken to kill the candida and bacteria on the inside while stimulating the immune system.

Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is extremely prevalent in many people and is usually the result of their occupation or the wearing of cotton socks in shoes that typically do not breath well, just like athletes feet.

A brownish or greenish discoloration of the nail can be seen and many times it begins to erode the nail. Candida is the most common fungi that attacks the nails and people with peripheral vascular problems or Cushing's syndrome are most at risk.

Staphylococcus aureas bacteria can also cause these infections and microscopic exams of the nail will reveal yeast and candida hyphae if it is candida. Cultures can further solidify the diagnosis.

The two other yeasts species that are commonly carried on the skin, candida parapsilosis and candida guilliermondii, can also cause these infections. This is where cultures come into play to determine the species as well as to solidify the diagnosis. However, treatment options are much the same from a natural standpoint. Alopathicly each species does respond to different azole drugs better than others so determing the species is extremely helpful for treatment.

Studies have linked nail fungus to yeast in the gut but vaginal yeast infections were rare in these cases. The over use of topical steroids was also a contributing factor as well as occupational risks.

Treatment with anti-fungal drugs can be difficult requiring prolonged use of oral and topical creams. Many times the nail has to be removed to achieve any kind of success and sometimes the nail never grows back, even if the fungus is erradicated.

Any of the above skin treatments can be used and I do suggest the oils be added to a foot bath and you soak the nails in the mixture. Kolorex® Foot & Toe Care Cream would also be worth a try.

It is also of course a very good idea when treating candida skin infections and cutaneous candida to avoid sugars in your diet.


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