The Candida Yeast Cure - Natural Candida Cleansing

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The Candida Yeast Cure

The Protocol for Chronic and Systemic Candida Yeast

Below is a candida cure protocol for chronic and systemic candida infection that might be very different from what you have seen before. That is because it is designed to kill systemic candida yeast, correct toxic overload, restore intestinal ph, remove mercury and other metals and restore intestinal immune function to normal. It may also balance out of control hormone levels because you remove the mercury and other heavy metals, which disrupt hormone function.
Candida Cure Directions

Stage 1 of the Candida Cure Protocol

The first thing to do is start following the candida diet on this website.

The next thing to do for the candida cure is address any heavy metals, especially mercury. Candida has been shown to be an immune response to mercury toxicity. Candida absorbs its weight in mercury and by doing so prevents it from going into your blood stream. If you have a mercury issue, you will not get rid of the candida as long as it's present.

You can test yourself for heavy metals to see if this is a problem or not and on the mercury page I have provided resources for you to do that. Once you know if you have a problem you can do the heavy metal cleanse and fix it. If you don't have a mercury problem then follow the stages outlined below.

Stage 2 of the Candida Yeast Cure Protocol

Get at least one month of the Ultimate Cleanse to get yourself cleaned out and help break down the biofilm candida builds around itself as a means of protection. After two weeks on this cleanse start Stage 2 below.

All the recommendations below are based on proven medical studies.

You will need a candida eating enzyme and on the enzyme page I have reviewed the most popular formulas. These enzymes eat the biofilm and the cell wall of candida yeast and other fungi effectively killing them. Candida has no defense against these enzymes and they usually don't produce any die-off reactions. In many cases all you need to do is do the Ultimate Cleanse, address any heavy metal issues and take enzymes to get well. However, using the herbs below definitely speeds up the process in every case.

Coconut oil also helps break down the biofilm and I recommend you take one tbls with each meal everyday.

Candidate is a proven candida killer and has been found to be as strong as Ketoconazole.

Sf722 kills all forms of yeast whether it be albicans, tropicalis, or glabrata. It also helps to keep yeast from shifting to the hyphael parasitic form of candida. The main ingredient in the formula consistently ranks high as a candida killer.

Oregano Oil always ranks high for both candida yeast and bad bacteria. There are also many studies to prove this on the Natural Treatment page if you care to read them.

Grapefruit seed extract is a very good candida killer and is effective against most bad bacteria.

For the most part, depending upon the product, the best way to take these is in a rotation and that's because both candida and bad bacteria will become resistant to them if you don't.

The rotation could look like this:

Enzyme Formula - Take 2 caps 1 hour before breakfast and 2 at bedtime everyday.

Coconut Oil - Take 1 tbls with meals 3 times per day.

Candidate - Take 0.50 mL 3 times daily diluted in a 1/4 cup of water after meals.

Sf722 - Take 3 Capsules 2 x a day inbetween meals for 4 days then stop and start taking Oregano oil.

Oregano Oil - Take 5 drops 2 x a day after breakfast and dinner for 4 days then stop and start Paramicrocidin

Grapefruit Seed Extract - Take 1 capsule 2 or 3 times daily with meals. After 4 days stop and start over with Candidate.

Follow the above protocol for one rotation, which is 20 days. Then follow the 2nd rotation below.

Enzyme Formula - Take 3 caps 1 hour before breakfast and 3 at bedtime everyday.

Coconut Oil - Take 1 tbls with meals 3 times per day.

Candidate - Take .75 mL 3 times daily diluted in a 1/4 cup of water after meals.

Sf722 - Take 5 capsules 2 x a day inbetween meals for 4 days then stop and start taking Oregano oil.

Oregano Oil - Take 10 drops 2 x a day after breakfast and dinner for 4 days then stop and start Paramicrocidin.

Grapefruit Seed Extract - Take 2 capsules 2 or 3 times daily with meals. After 4 days stop and start over with Candidate.

After the 2nd rotation start the 3rd rotation below and start Stage 3.

Enzyme Formula - Take 4 caps 1 hour before breakfast and 4 at bedtime everyday.

Coconut Oil - Take 1 tbls with meals 3 times per day.

Candidate - Take 1.0 mL 3 times daily diluted in a 1/4 cup of water after meals.

Sf722 - Take 5 capsules 3 x a day in between meals for 4 days then stop and start taking Oregano oil.

Oregano Oil - Take 15 drops 2 x a day after breakfast and dinner for 4 days then stop and start Paramicrocidin.

Grapefruit Seed Extract - Take 3 capsules 2 or 3 times daily with meals. After 4 days stop and start over with Candidate.

After 3 rotations proceed to Stage 3. If you have anything left over just keep taking it until gone.

You will need a good probiotic for this stage of the candida cure treatment and I recommend either CP-1 or the 11-Strain to restore good bacterial levels to normal.

If your going to take something else that you can pick up at the store and it says it has 1 billion per capsule; make sure you take at least 50 capsules a day. I do recommend 4 to 7 capsules a day of cp-1 and 1 or 2 adult scoops a day of the 11-strain at bedtime. It is also suggested that you start feeding your good bacteria with Probiotia Immune to increase their numbers. In all honesty, I would continue with this Stage for at least six months. Personally, I did it for three years with probiotics alone, but taking Probiotia Immune will definitely speed things up.

That is it! Very simple and very effective for candida yeast and sometimes it begins to work the very first day.


I felt better today after taking the products than I have in years!!!! I had more energy than ever! Is that normal to feel that different the first day? I mean I felt awful before I went to bed last night and even when I woke up this morning I still felt icky. Literally an hour after taking the Biofase and Profase I felt different. WOW! I hope that continues!


Why Does This Candida Yeast Cure Work?

Ok, if you have done any research on candida yeast you are probably sitting here and thinking, "it just can't be this easy."

So I would like to explain why this candida cure does work if you care to read it. I'm not going to hype this candida yeast cure or make it out to be the greatest cleanse in the world, although personally, I think it is.

This cleanse addresses all the problems that can be associated with candida yeast infections. It takes care of mercury poisoning, acidic and plugged up intestines, parasites if any, leaky gut syndrome, and restores good bacterial levels.

The parasite capsules in the Ultimate Colon Cleanse contain powerful herbs that have been proven time and time again to kill parasites while still being safe.

Ultimate Colon Cleanse gently removes any toxic and compacted fecal matter in your body and helps break down the protective biofilm candida builds around itself.

The psyllium husks, flax seeds, aloe vera, and slippery elm bark in Ultimate Colon Cleanse strengthen the walls of the colon helping to heal leaky gut syndrome. Peppermint leaf soothes and heals any inflammation of the intestine and the other fibers pull out the compacted wastes.

The enzymes begin to eat the biofilm and then the cell wall of candida yeast and that kills the candida that might not be affected by the herbs in Ultimate Colon Cleanse. Syntol also helps to increase good bacterial levels. This process allows the Ultimate Colon Cleanse to break lose the dead and dying candida yeast from these pockets and flush them out of the body. This also greatly minimizes any die-off reactions because you are getting rid of the dead and dying yeast cells everyday.

The mercury products attach to the mercury molecules that the candida cells may have absorbed as a defense mechanism to heavy metal poisoning. This process pulls the mercury laden candida yeast lose from the intestine where Ultimate Colon Cleanse grabs it and flushes it out of the body. Zeolite further removes all environmental toxins in the body along with hiding viruses and other harmful pathogens.

The coconut oil, Candidate, Sf722, Oregano Oil and Paramicrocidin kill more candida yeast, bad bacteria and any bad viruses you may have.

The probiotics balance the ph levels in the intestine as they produce lactic acid. They also produce hydrogen peroxides that effectively kill more candida yeast if any is left. They stimulate the macrophages and phagocytes, and they restore normal intestinal flora and balance to the body. Probiotia Immune builds your colonies quickly to high levels, which prevents problems in the future.

This is really simple and very effective when you have the right products and the will to carry it out.

Any questions about the candida cure protocol, please contact me from the contact page of this website.


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